- Scheduling a test at your Access medical clinic. Call (608) 443-5480 to make an appointment.
- Public Health Madison & Dane County offers COVID testing at its Alliant Energy Center and Village on Park – South Madison location. For more information, to schedule an appointment or to find a list of community-based testing sites, visit: https://www.publichealthmdc.com/coronavirus/testing.
- Through a collaboration with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, the Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD) is partnering with a testing vendor called COVID Clinic to provide free testing to symptomatic students and staff. If a student or staff member tests positive, COVID Clinic will also provide free testing to any close contacts, including household members. Students (only with written consent of parent/guardian) and staff will be able to get tested at their school site for convenience, but are welcome to be tested at another school. Students will visit COVID Clinic only when accompanied by a family member or staff member. For more information, visit: https://www.madison.k12.wi.us/student-staff-support/health-services/covid-health-and-safety-guidance/covid-testing
- The U.S. government is shipping four free at-home COVID-19 tests per household, providing residents an ability to access test kits for no cost. Visit covidtests.gov to order your tests.